Deploy A Node-JS App On Render In Under 5 Mins!

Deploy A Node-JS App On Render In Under 5 Mins!

Render Vs Heroku

Deploying to Render might be a more straightforward process than Heroku. These days I find Render cooler because they manage a lot for us and you can easily deploy your web app in just a few minutes.

🌟 Render Intro

Render is a unified cloud to build and run all your apps and websites. Render is the best way to deploy websites. It's free, way faster than Github Pages, and can be set up without any big hassle.

Render makes deploying your application as easy as pushing your code to source control. Once you connect your GitHub or GitLab account to your Render account, Render will automatically build and deploy your services with every push.

I am not saying Render is replacing or better than Heroku but it is worth considering given what it has to offer.

Now let's deploy a Node JS app. (This is a simple to-do list with express & mongo-DB) You can find it here;

🌟 Deploy our todo app;

✔ Create an account with Render first;

✔ Head over to the dashboard and click New


✔ I will choose a web service for my todo list;


✔ Repo connect

Then connect to your repo, mine is here.

✔ App Environment

Add environment variables, the way you build or run your app command and how you install the node packages and dependencies.


You can change the region to the one nearest you for CDN.


✔ Auto-deploy

You may want to enable auto-deploy. image.png

This workflow constantly checks your repo for new commits which are then auto-deployed just like Vercel. You will have to grant Render bot permission to the repos in the connected GitHub account.

✔ After build

You may not want to use advanced settings for now; head over to deploying your app.


✔ Test App

You can find my own deployment here;


🌟 Summary

Note that you are limited by space if you are going to use the free version and about 512 RAM which may not help if you have an app that requires more than that.

I love Render because it is somewhat a straightforward method to easily deploy your websites, portfolio etc. I am not by means affiliated with Render in any way, I am just a dev who loves trying out things on my own.

🌟 Conclusion

Once again, hope you learned something today from my little closet.

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