How To Redirect Emails In Gmail In Just 4 Steps!

How To Redirect Emails In Gmail In Just 4 Steps!

Hey buddy👋, so today, I got a help request from a friend asking me how She could stop seeing some emails especially from social media platforms like Facebook now Meta & Other subscriptions.

One solution I thought of was "Redirecting Them To A Folder", I suggested to her. So today, we are basically learning how to do this if you are tired of seeing such emails.

image.png Email Ridirecting comes in handy and very useful automation not only for social media sites but also helps you to be organised.

Let's Do This! 🚀

Step 1. 🛠

Login to your Gmail account and click the filter arrows in the search box at the top-right.

image.png In the From field, enter the email address that you want to set up a new label for.
For this example, we will use "" because we want to move all emails from this email id to a new label called "Twitter Support". Now click the "Create filter with this search" link.


Step 2. 🛠

In the next screen, choose the "Apply the label" field and then from the drop-down box next to it, select "New label...".


NOTE: You can also choose the "Skip the Inbox" option if you don't want the email in your primary inbox (but only want it inside the newly created label). If you don't choose that, Gmail will 'copy' the email to the new label and it will also retain the original email in your primary inbox.


Step 3. 🛠

Now you will be shown a modal window where you can enter the name of your new label. Type "Twitter Support" and click the "Create" button.


Step 4. 🛠

That's it. You will now be able to see a link in the sidebar called Twitter Support. You can click this link to view all messages that have been marked with this particular label. Any new messages from will be automatically sent to that label.


I am assuming a web application for the above steps and may not work on phone and as you could have noticed, there is more you can do to stay organised.

Video Incoming 🌟>>>
If you are using the Gmail app on your Android phone/tablet, just sync and you will be good.

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Ronnie Atuhaire 🤓